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Finder certificates

The "Certificate Finder" is a table optimized for searching for certificates, which you can use to configure individual search queries via the filter settings. In open security finders, the "Finder Certificates" is stored on the worksheet of the same name.

You open the "Finder Certificates" via the command FINDER CERTIFICATES in the menu of the Finder icon "Securities" on the "Start" tab.

The "Certificates" finder can also be accessed via the "Derivatives" worksheet, which you can find in the securities and securities folders workspace, for example.

In detail, the "Finder Certificates" contains the following columns:




The name of the certificate.


The WKN from the certificate's master data.

Security no.

The Swiss security number from the certificate master data.

Certificate type

The type of certificate, e.g. knockout, tracker or discount certificate.

Product quality
(EDG rating)

The EDG certificate rating of the certificate for the assigned risk class.

The entry "n/a" symbolizes that no EDG certificate rating exists for this certificate.

Market price risk
(EDG risk class)

The EDG risk class assigned to the certificate.

Cells without a value appear for unclassified certificates.


The currency from the master data of the price quotation.


The most recent price of the certificate on the set evaluation date.

Underlying price

The most recent price of the underlying of the certificate on the set evaluation date.

Currency Underlying

The currency from the master data of the underlying of the certificate.

Remaining term [years]

The remaining term of the certificate in years.

Turnover week

The turnover per week in the certificate.


The issuer from the certificate's master data.


The column returns "Yes" if the remaining term of the certificate is 0 and "No" for all other certificates.

This column is hidden by default. You can read how to show and hide columns in tables in the section Showing and hiding columns.

You can use the parameters to select a different evaluation date.

In addition to the "Certificate Finder" described here, which is designed for the general search for certificates, other finders optimized for the respective certificate types are available.

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