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Transactions from Portfolio Sync Interfaces

Portfolio Service Collective Transactions" module

If you have imported transactions from Portfolio Sync Interfaces (portfolio interfaces) into Infront Portfolio Manager, you can also view, resubmit, edit or cancel these via the worksheet "Enter collective transactions". All transactions that have been imported via Portfolio Sync Interfaces can be found in the collective transaction list in their own category "Portfolio Sync Interface".

In addition to the number of transactions, the date and time information in the list helps you to assign the transactions to the respective import processes. You will also find detailed information on the process in the "Description", "User" and "PSI" columns. As "User" you will find the user of the Infront Portfolio Manager who imported the orders via - possibly also the user set in the "Auto-Login" of the PSI. Please read the section Auto-Login.

You open and process these transactions in exactly the same way as described in the sections Resubmit collective transactions and Edit collective transactions for "normal" collective transactions.

You can only resubmit collective transactions and transactions from if you have entered them yourself or if you have the appropriate rights to do so. All other transactions are listed but cannot be edited. For more information on rights, please read the chapter User administration.

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