With the licensed "Portfolio Service Collective Transactions" module, you have the option of entering transactions across several holders, portfolios and securities accounts for one or more groups together, thus saving yourself the need for individual manual entry. For example, you can then quickly record a company's dividend payments or corporate actions in all affected securities accounts with a collective transaction.
You can also use this function to resubmit interface postings from in order to record any pending corrections (postings).
Proceed as follows to enter collective transactions:
On the "Data maintenance" tab, select the command CAPTURE COLLECT TRANSACTIONS. Or press the key combination<CTRL>+<ALT>+<S>. Or select the "Enter collective transactions" icon on your quick access toolbar. In the chapter Quick access toolbar , you will learn how to configure the quick access toolbar and thus have quick access to exactly the functions you need time and again.
In the evaluation area, you will now see the "Enter collective transactions" worksheet with the open input mask. Enter the group(s) to be updated in the upper input field. The default setting here is "All", i.e. all groups are taken into account. To move a group from the Explorer to the input field, click on the group in the Explorer with the middle mouse button or hold down the<CTRL>key when you click on it with the left mouse button. This also works for depot filters and any existing sub-filters. To select multiple groups, empty the input field and then press<RETURN>. You can then search for and select the desired groups using the object search that appears. To select several hits one below the other in the search result, hold down the <SHIFT> key while selecting. Press and hold the <CTRL> key to select individual hits. Once you have made your selection, click the "OK" button to move the group(s) to the input field. You can restore the default setting "All" at any time using the "All" icon to the right of the input field.
Then select the desired entry from the transaction types on the left. For example, select "Income" to record dividends.
Enter the desired data - date, security - in the "Configuration" area to the right. For details on the configuration of the individual transaction types, see the following sections.
Use the "Calculate transactions" button to calculate the transactions to be carried out. (Depending on the transaction type selected, the available configuration elements and, in some cases, the button labeling will change.) In the list below, you will then see all the transactions to be entered, which you can also edit again here. Please read the section Edit collective transactions.
You can then carry out the selected transactions in the securities accounts using the "Enter transactions" button, which appears at the bottom right including the number of earnings to be entered.
You can use the "Show transaction types" icon at the top left of the input field to hide and show the upper part of the worksheet, which contains the collective transaction types and the configuration elements. This function is particularly useful if you work with many securities accounts and the list of calculated collective transactions is correspondingly extensive.