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Define corporate actions (collective transactions)

Portfolio Service Collective Transactions" module

If you have selected the collective transaction type "Corporate action" and then selected the "Define corporate action..." button in the "Configuration" area on the right-hand side, the "Define corporate actions" dialog box appears in which you can select and configure the appropriate corporate action.

In the upper section of the dialog window, you will see the data you entered previously in the "Configuration" section for the "Stock as of" and "Closing date" fields. Below this, select the type of corporate action to be entered in the "Type" selection list. The following capital measures are available:

  • Derecognition of subscription right
  • Derecognition of subscription right (without purchase)
  • Exercise of warrant
  • Posting subscription right
  • Spin-off without discount
  • Free share
  • Reverse split
  • Split/Spin-off
  • Stock dividend
  • Separation of warrant bond
  • Loyalty share
  • Rebooking
  • Exchange
  • Merger
  • Conversion of a convertible bond
  • Other

After selecting the desired corporate action, any input fields that are not required are immediately "locked".

The individual input and selection fields of the dialog window are divided into the areas "Current position" (corresponds to the date of the "Position as of" field) and "New position" (i.e. position after the corporate action).

Please refer to the following table for a description of the individual fields:

Current stock




If you have already selected a security in the "Configuration" area, this is preset here.

If necessary, enter another security for which the corporate action is to be recorded and then press the <RETURN> button or use the familiar object search function via the "Search" icon (magnifying glass) to the right to search for the security in the database.


Enter the ratio for the corporate action here.

Booking type

If necessary, select the posting type for the corporate action here. In addition to the standard setting "no change", the booking types "delivery" and "sale" are available.

Booking unit

Select the booking unit for the selected booking type here. The available options are "Price", "Percentage" and "AHK" (acquisition cost).


Enter the value of the booking unit selected next to it here.

Refund per piece

If a reimbursement is made for the shares in the current portfolio for this corporate action, enter the amount per share here.

New stock



Select the "Add position" icon to insert a line with input fields for another security in the "New position" area.

This icon is only available for corporate actions where several securities may be affected (e.g. exchange or other).

Select the "Remove last stock item" icon to delete the bottom line with input fields.

This icon is only visible if you have previously added at least one line using the "Add position" icon.


Enter the security for which the new position is to be entered and then press the <RETURN> button. Or use the familiar object search via the "Search" icon (magnifying glass) to the right to search for the security in the database.

Proceed in the same way for any other securities affected, for which you can display input fields using the "Add position" icon described above.


Enter the ratio for the new stock here.

Booking type

If necessary, select the posting type for the corporate action here. In addition to the standard setting "Incoming delivery", the booking types "Purchase" and "EWK only" are available for the new stock.

Booking unit

Select the booking unit for the selected booking type here. The available options are "price", "percentage" and "corresponding ratio".


Enter the value of the booking unit selected next to it here.

Additional payment per piece

If an additional payment is made for the shares in the new portfolio as part of this corporate action, enter the amount per share here.


Enter the peaks that may occur.

You search for these securities just like everyone else: Press the <RETURN> button or use the familiar object search function via the "Search" icon (magnifying glass) to the right to search for the security in the database.

Decimal places

Enter the number of decimal places to be used for the calculation.


  • Inventory: 123,456789
  • Ratio: 10:1
  • Decimal places: 2
  • New stock: 12.34
    Furthermore, you can also enter the same security as the security specified on the left at the top for security types that cannot normally be traded in fractions (e.g. shares). Then everything for this security is still only calculated in one position, but in this case without rounding. In the example 1:0.25, the new stock would be exactly a quarter of the old stock - truncated to the specified decimal places.

Once you have entered all the data, select the "OK" button to save the entries, close the "Define corporate action" dialog box and return to the "Enter collective transactions" workspace. (Use the "Cancel" button to close the "Define corporate action" dialog box without saving the entries)

Then select the "Calculate transactions" button.

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