You can link orders with recorded transactions and show these links in the order book.
The symbols in the "Linked transactions" column in the order book show you for each order whether there is a link to one or more transactions. If necessary, read the previous section Columns of the order book.
Proceed as follows to display the corresponding information in the order book for the orders linked to transactions:
If necessary, select the corresponding order session in the "Session" area.
Select the "Show transaction areas" icon in the order book toolbar. Or use the plus icon of an order to expand the transaction area of this order individually.
The associated transactions are displayed directly under the linked orders. The following information on the linked transactions is displayed in the transaction area: type (sale, purchase...), account currency, amount outstanding, nominal value, reversal indicator and transaction number
To hide the transaction areas again, select the "Hide transaction areas" icon. Or use the minus icon for an order to close the transaction area for this order individually.
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