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Columns of the order book

"PSI Order Entry" module or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

The order book lists all orders for the portfolios in the Infront Portfolio Manager that you are allowed to see based on your authorizations.

As in all tables of this type in the Infront Portfolio Manager, you move around in the order book table: You filter using the small symbols on the far right of each column heading, you can drag the columns to the top of the table by holding down the left mouse button to organize the table according to your needs, etc.

You can save the display of the order book columns (columns, grouping, filters, etc.) using the "Save" icon or the <CTRL>+<S> key combination. This display is then restored the next time the order book is opened. Individual and block order views can be saved separately. The view filter used is also saved when saving.

The "Restore original columns" icon can be used to restore the standard view.

By default, the order book opens with the "Orders" tab, where you manage all securities orders.

If you have the appropriate license, you will find your FX spot orders on the second "Currency transactions" tab.

Please read the section Currency transactions in the order book.

The order book contains the following columns for securities orders:



Activate the checkboxes of the orders you wish to select.


The order status as described in the section Order status in the order book .

If the placement of an order via the Order Entry Servicefails, the service delivers a corresponding message when synchronizing the order book, which is displayed in the "Comment 4" column. This information is also displayed in a pop-up when you point to the status of the order in the order book (e.g. "Error" status).

This column uses the symbols to show the execution status ("fill status") of the order:

  • Executed
  • Partially executed
  • Not executed
  • n/a
Use the filter functions in the column header to filter extensive order lists according to the execution status.

This column uses the symbols to show the clearing status of the order:

  • Settled
  • Partially settled
  • Not settled
  • n/a
Use the filter functions in the column header to filter extensive order lists by billing status.

Linked transactions

This column uses the symbols to show whether transactions entered are linked to the orders:

  • Order is not linked to transactions
  • Order is linked to exactly one settled transaction
  • Order is linked to several partially settled transactions

If the transaction areas for the orders are currently hidden, select the "Show transaction areas" icon in the order book toolbar to show them under the orders.

Please also read the section Link orders with transactions.

Restriction tests

This column uses the symbols to show whether the orders violate restrictions:

  • No restrictions violated by the order
  • At least one restriction violated by the order

Read the section Display restriction checks for an order in the order bookto find out how to display and, if necessary, comment on restriction checks.

Crossing check

This column shows the result of the crossing checks (if performed).

For more information, read the section Crossing checks in the order book.

Holding period

The expected holding period of the orders in days (taken from the portfolio rebalancing or the stored standard formula).

You can find out how to edit these values directly in the order book in the section Change holding period of orders in the order book.

Holder, account, custody account, depository

The holder, the clearing account, the custody account and, if applicable, the depository of the position.


The name, the security identification number and the ISIN of the security.

Asset class

The asset class of the security from the user-defined fields.

Order number

An order number that was provided by the bank's backend when the order was placed, for example.


The order type (buy or sell).

Nominal value

The number of units in the order.


The number of executed orders.


The number of settled orders.


Name and time of the order sessions.

Order sessions can be created from the portfolio rebalancing or manually.


The (optional) comment on the order.

PSI Order Entry

The PSI Order Entry through which the order is or was placed.

Cost ref.

For orders whose ex-ante costs have been updated via the cost service, this column contains the unique cost reference ID from the cost service.


The creation date of the order or order proposal.

Last modified

The last modification date of the order or order proposal.


The name of the "Infront Portfolio Manager" user who created the order.


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The activity ID of the order

Order number

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The order number of the order.

Execution option

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The trading option of the order, e.g. "Normal" or "Fill-Or-Kill".

Issue premium/kickback

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The amount of the issue premium or kickback for this order.

Remark 2

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

A second comment on the order.

Remark 3

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

A third comment on the order.

Remark 4

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

A fourth comment on the order.

This column displays, for example, the messages generated during synchronization of the order book with the Order Entry Service.

Remark 5

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

A fifth comment on the order.

Amount order

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

Is the order an amount order?

Block order type

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

For block orders, the types are identified in this column using the following icons:

  • Block order
  • Single order
  • Suborder (single order in block order)
  • n/a (no icon)
Use the filter functions in the column header to filter extensive order lists according to the block order type.

Bonus payments

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The bonuses recorded with the order.

Depot number

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The securities account number associated with the order.


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The discount recorded with the order.

Trading center

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The trading place of the order.

Account number

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The account number of the clearing account for the item.

Direct debit account

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The direct debit account of the order.


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The limit value of the order.

Limit information

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

Details of the limit entered for the order.

Limit type

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The limit type of the order, e.g. market order ("best"), limit order or stop order.

Market mode

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The trading type of the order, e.g. variable trading or auction trading.

Net settlement value

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The net settlement value of the order.

Online order

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

Is the order an online order?

In this column, the checkboxes of the orders that were placed externally, i.e. from an online order book, are marked.

Order amount

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The amount of the order.

Order currency

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The currency of the order.


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The securities information.

Estimation course

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The price calculated from the portfolio rebalancing.

Estimated exchange rate currency

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The currency of the estimated rate.

Estimated course time

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The time at which the estimated price is calculated.

Short position

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

Is the order a short order?


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The stop value of the order.

Trailing distance

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

If you have placed your order as a dynamic stop order, the trailing distance of the order is shown in this column.

Transport module

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The transport module assigned to the order.

Expiry date

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The expiration date of the order.

Decay type

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The expiry type of the order.

Submission date

Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The submission date of the order.


Spalte standardmäßig ausgeblendet

The zone belonging to the position.

The columns that are hidden by default in the order book are marked accordingly in this table.

In addition, further commands for editing orders are available in the order book via the icons and the context menu.

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