Proceed as follows to link orders in the order book with transactions:
If necessary, select the corresponding order session in the "Session" area.
Select the desired orders from the list. Multiple selection is possible. You can recognize orders that are already linked to transactions by the "One transaction linked" icon that appears. You can recognize orders that are currently linked to several transactions by the "Multiple transactions linked" icon that appears.
Then select the "Link selected orders to transactions" icon in the order book toolbar.
The current link status for the selected orders is displayed at the top of the order book.
You can see the following elements in detail here:
Selected for linkingOrders
The total number of orders selected for linking.
Orders with unique transaction assignment
The number of orders that can be clearly assigned to a transaction.
Select the corresponding "Show" button to filter the list of selected orders by these orders.
Select the corresponding "Link" button to link the orders with a unique transaction assignment to your transactions.
Orders with ambiguousunclear transaction allocation
The number of orders that cannot be clearly assigned to a transaction.
Select the corresponding "Show" button to filter the list of selected orders by these orders.
Orders without transaction allocation
The number of orders that cannot be allocated.
Button"Show allShow orders"
Select this button to remove the current filtering and display all orders selected for linking.