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Display restriction checks for an order in the order book

"PSI Order Entry" module or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

In the order book, you can display the restriction checks carried out in portfolio rebalancing for each order and add comments if necessary.

In the portfolio rebalancing tool, you can also find the SHOW RESTRICTION CHECKS command described here in the context menu for the orders or positions saved in an order session in the position overview.

Proceed as follows to display the restriction checks for an order in the order book:

  1. Select the order and then select the DISPLAY RESTRICTION CHECKS command in the context menu.
    If restrictions exist for the order, the "Restriction checks for order" dialog box appears.

    You will find the following information here:



    The name of the restriction.

    Restriction type

    The type of restriction: Stock restriction or quota restriction?


    The level of the depot object to which the restriction is assigned. The following objects are possible here:

    • Portfolio
    • Owner
    • Group

    Object name

    In the "Object name" column, you can see the name of the (basic) securities account object (portfolio, holder or group) to which the restriction is assigned.

    Restriction violation

    This column shows whether the order violates a restriction.

    Commented by

    The Infront Portfolio Manager user who last changed the comment for this restriction check.


    The commentary on this restriction test.

    You can comment on restrictions (or restriction checks) for orders that have not yet been released. To do this, enter the corresponding text in the "Comment" column.

    Once the order has been released, it is no longer possible to edit the comments.

    This dialog box also shows if the same restriction is violated at several levels (in the example above in lines 2 and 3 at owner and group level).

  2. If necessary, enter your comments on the restriction checks in the "Comment" column or edit the existing comment.
  3. Close the "Restriction checks for order" dialog box with "OK".

Comments on the restriction checks can only be entered in the order book by users who have the "Place, change and delete orders" object right.

If necessary, read the chapter User administration in the administration manual.

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