The workflow for monitoring restrictions also includes the option of commenting on restrictions. The evaluation "Restriction monitoring (with commentary)" is available for this purpose.
Please note that this evaluation only takes into account the restrictions of the level for which it is currently open. This means that in the workspace of a portfolio only the restrictions on this portfolio are evaluated, in the workspace of a holder only the restrictions at holder level and for groups only the restrictions at group level.
Here you can enter comments on restriction violations and also on unviolated restrictions and set an "Edited" indicator. This offers you the advantage that when you check for restriction violations again, you can recognize the restriction violations that have already been processed as such and do not have to process them again.
The comments entered are stored in the database and can be accessed as a history. Each comment belongs to an item-restriction pair and has a validity period (from "Valid from" date to "Valid to" date - no time), a status ("Processed" or "Not processed") and the violation status of the restriction at the time of commenting.
When checking for restriction violations, the restriction violations that have occurred or their changes since the last comment are displayed with a marker (red-orange-green). A red symbol means that an action by the user is required, an orange symbol means that an action is recommended but not necessary, and a green symbol means that no action is required. The possible cases are shown in the following table.
Is the restriction violated at the time of evaluation?
Is there a valid comment at the time of evaluation?
Last valid comment: Is the status of the restriction at the time of comment creation identical to that at the time of evaluation?
Last valid comment: Is the status "Processed"?
(Not important in this case)
(Not important in this case)
If you have the "Comment restrictions" object right, proceed as follows to comment on restrictions of a position-restriction pair and mark them as "edited" if necessary:
Open the "Restriction monitoring (with comments)" report (template category "Monitoring"), e.g. for a portfolio.
Use the right mouse button to open the context menu of the corresponding line and select the command DISPLAY RESTRICTION CHECKS. The "Restriction checks for position" dialog box appears. Here you can view or edit all comments for the selected item. At the top of the dialog box, the current base object for restriction monitoring is always displayed as the first piece of information. The base object here is therefore the object to which the restriction is assigned via the properties dialog. In the upper table you can see the current restriction checks on the evaluation date, in the lower area any comments that have already been entered.
Click in the "Comment" column to enter a text for this restriction.
If you want to mark this restriction or restriction check as "edited" and thus "override" a restriction violation, for example, activate the checkbox in the "Edited" column.
Proceed in the same way for further restriction checks.
Close the "Restriction checks for position" dialog box with "OK".
The columns of the two tables in the "Position restriction checks" dialog window in detail:
Current restriction tests
The name of the respective restriction.
Restriction type
The type of restriction: Stock restriction or quota restriction.
Valid from
The date from which the comment for this position-restriction pair is entered and therefore valid.
Valid until
The date until which the comment on this position-restriction pairis valid. This date is either defined manually or set automatically when a new comment is entered.
Current restriction violation
The checkbox in this column is activated if this restriction is currently violated.
Activate this checkbox if this entry should be marked as "Edited" after a comment has been entered.
Collective commentary
If you activate the checkbox for a restriction in this column, the comment will be added to every position in the portfolio with this restriction and the same restriction violation status.
The current commentary on this position-restriction pair.
Please note that if you open the dialog window at holder level, for example, the text in the "Comment" column may differ from the comment for the same position at portfolio or group level. This means that the histories in the lower area of the dialog box may also differ.
Previous restriction tests
Restriction violation during commenting
The checkbox in this column is activated if this restriction was violated at the time of the last comment in this validity period.
Commented by
The name of the user who entered the last comment for this position-restriction pair in this validity period.
Table "Previous restriction checks"
In this example, you can see the "history" of a commented restriction check with the respective validity periods. The columns "Valid to", "Edited" and "Comment" can be edited here.
Delete entries in the "Previous restriction checks" table
You can delete the entries in the "Previous restriction checks" table. Proceed as follows:
Select the entry to be deleted.
Select the "Delete entry" icon on the right above the table. The entry is deleted.
The DISPLAY RESTRICTION CHECKS command is also available in the context menu of other evaluations on items (e.g. asset overview, asset class analysis, performance distribution, etc.).