Configure pull-down menus
Proceed as follows to configure pull-down menus for chart form elements:
- Select the CHART FORMULA ELEMENTS command in the menu of the "Further configurations" icon on the "Configuration" tab. The "Set up chart form elements" dialog box opens.
Select "Own" as the owner.
The entries in the pull-down menus are user-dependent. In a network installation, each user only ever sees the standard entries and the entries they have configured themselves.
- In the "Type" field, select which pull-down menu you would like to edit. The current order of the elements is displayed in the list on the left-hand side of the window.
- You can easily edit the order of the elements in the list using drag & drop. To do this, select one of the elements and move it while holding down the left mouse button.
- To insert a hyphen in the menu, select the "New element" icon. Enter a minus sign "-" in the "Name" field.
- Confirm your settings with "OK".