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Configure postbox notifications for people in batch export

In the configuration for batch export, notifications with subject and notification text for persons can be stored for reports. These are also stored in the document archive.

This requires the module for using an external mailbox and a corresponding configuration in the respective person properties. The Portfolio Manager server must also be running.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the "Upload documents to Postbox allowed" checkbox on the "Postbox" mini-tab in the person properties of the desired person.
  2. Select your licensed external postbox, enter the postbox user ID and all other data and save the person properties.
  3. Link these persons to the corresponding securities account objects (holders, portfolios, securities accounts). To do this, use the command CONFIGURE HOLDER, PERSONAL ASSIGNMENTS in the context menu of holders, for example.
  4. Configure the batch export for these depot objects.
  5. To configure the postbox notification, select the "Set up message..." button.
  6. Configure your mailbox notification in the "Edit message" dialog box that appears.

    For details, read the section "Edit message" dialog box in the batch export.
  7. Save your batch export configuration.

If a message is set up in a batch export configuration, the button label changes to "Edit message...". You can change the message template at any time using this button.

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