Edit message" dialog box in batch export
If you have clicked on the "Set up message..." button (or the "Edit message..." button for messages that have already been saved), you can configure the personal notifications for the reports for the individual persons here.
Proceed as follows:
- Click in the "Subject" input field and enter the desired subject text here. In the "Placeholders (subject)" selection list, you will find the prepared placeholders for possible variables, which you can select and integrate into the subject text using the "Insert" button.
- Then click in the large input field "Personal message" to enter the desired message text. In the "Placeholder (message)" selection list, you will find the prepared placeholders for possible variables, which you can select and integrate into the message text using the "Insert" button.
- Finally, save your entries with "OK".
In addition to text input, you can use the following modules:
- Template name <LayoutName>
- Document type <DocumentType>
- MM-Talk functions on the input object
- MM-Talk functions on the person
The formula editor is opened when an MM-Talk placeholder is inserted. The base object is a collection based on the input object type and a value for the key 'person' (of type "person"). Saving the function adds the placeholder in the form <#Formula> (e.g. <#Value.Name>).