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Create portfolio

To create a portfolio manually, (at least) one holder must first be created. You should therefore first read the section Create owner.

Proceed as follows to create a portfolio:

  1. In the Explorer, select the owner to whom you want to add the portfolio and select the command NEW, PORTFOLIO in the context menu that you open with the right mouse button.
    Or select the owner in the Explorer and then select the "Create new object" icon at the top of the Explorer and then the PORTFOLIO command in the menu that pops up.
  2. The "Portfolio properties" dialog box appears, in which you can now enter all the necessary master data for the portfolio. You can switch between the individual fields by clicking the mouse or using the tab key.
  3. To be able to enter the historicized properties as well, create at least one portfolio version using the "Create new portfolio version" icon.

    The details of these fields can be found in the table in the following section Portfolio properties.
  4. After entering the properties, close the "Portfolio properties" dialog box with "OK".

In addition to the manual creation of portfolios, when using PSI Transaction Data it is also possible to create portfolios automatically as part of the asset allocation process.

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