You can enter all portfolio properties and master data when you create the portfolio. However, you can also check or change these at any time - with the appropriate authorization from the user administration. Proceed as follows, for example:
Select the portfolio and choose the PROPERTIES command in the context menu. Or select the portfolio and click on the "Properties" icon in the Explorer toolbar. Or select the portfolio and press the<F12>button.
Make the desired changes in the "Portfolio properties" dialog box that appears.
The owner of the portfolio is shown here for information purposes.
Enter the unique name of the portfolio here. This designation is used to address the portfolio later during evaluations.
Created on
Here you can enter the date on which you created the portfolio. By default, the current date is entered when the portfolio is created.
Performance calculation from
Alternatively, you can enter a date here from which you would like the calculations for this portfolio to start.
You can use the global settings on the "Depot" tab to specify whether this date applies to the evaluations. If necessary, read the section General securities account settings.
Investment liquidate on
This input field is only available if at least one of the two modules "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" and "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" is licensed.
If applicable, enter the date on which the investment in this portfolio is to be liquidated.
[Only with "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis" module]
Enter the start date for the calculation of the high water mark for the individual performance calculation of your extended fee calculation in this input field.
This date is taken into account in the following tables and reports:
Fee controlling
Report fee invoice extended
Report fee invoice extended with graphic
If you have licensed the "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis" module, you will find further configuration options for your fee calculation on the "Fee calculation" mini-tab that is then visible.
Portfolio no.
You can give the portfolio a unique number that you can query using MM-Talk, for example.
Last notification - Scheduled Reporting
The date on which the last scheduled reporting for this portfolio took place.
The date on which the last loss threshold notification was issued for the securities in this portfolio.
Data status
Here you can see the data status currently assigned to the portfolio and (if data status is set) the date of the last change. Select the "Edit data status" icon to change the data status.
When entering the portfolio properties, plausibility checks can run in the background depending on your personal configuration. Depending on the configuration, the historicized properties are also checked.
Corresponding messages are then displayed above the buttons.
"Note: The 'Portfolio no.' field must be filled."
To see all other messages, point to the message with the mouse. To see the detailed test results, click on the message.
Correct the incorrect entries before closing the dialog box.
Enter the date from which the portfolio version with the set properties should be valid. If this input field is empty, this version is always used if no other version is available for a date.
Tip: Right-click in a date field to quickly select today's date, the day before, the beginning of the month or the beginning of the quarter via the context menu that appears.
Version designation
Enter the (optional) name for the portfolio version with the set properties here. You can find the version in the version history under this name.
Profile key
Only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis".
The profile key assigned to this portfolio version. Each portfolio version can be assigned its own profile key.
You will see the corresponding portfolio profile next to the selection list. If a portfolio profile is assigned to the selected profile key, you can click on it to quickly switch to the "Edit portfolio profiles" dialog box and view the current settings. You cannot change the portfolio profile and its settings in this way.
Select the "Custom fields..." button to open the dialog box with the custom fields for this portfolio version and edit them.
Version history
Here you can see the list of currently created portfolio versions. In the list you will find the portfolio properties described below for each portfolio version as well as the user-defined fields.
To select a portfolio version, select it in the list. The historicized portfolio properties are then immediately updated and can be edited for the selected version.
Use this function to quickly transfer already configured properties to a new portfolio version.
The new portfolio version (with the copied properties) is added to the top of the list with the current date and can be edited.
Icon "Create new portfolio version".
Select this icon to add a new portfolio version to the list. The new portfolio version is added at the top of the list with the current date. Each additional newly created portfolio version then receives the next unused day as the "Valid from" date by default.
Example: You create several new portfolio versions on February 6, 2021. The first version created is then given the date "06.02.2021", the second the date "07.02.2021" and so on. You can overwrite these dates in the "Version valid from" field.
Delete selected portfolio version" icon.
Use this icon to delete the portfolio version marked in the version history.
The portfolio version is removed from the list without further inquiry.
Historicized properties: Investment guidelines
Financial portfolio management
Activate this checkbox if the portfolio version is subject to financial portfolio management.
Financial portfolio management covers the management of financial instruments, whereby a decisive criterion is the granting of discretion to the manager with regard to investment decisions.
Specify here which benchmark you would like to assign to the portfolio version.
The "Search" icon takes you to the familiar "Object search" dialog box, in which you can search for the desired benchmark.
If a portfolio profile is stored for this portfolio version, the benchmark will be taken from it if necessary.
Benchmark 2
Here you have the option of assigning a second benchmark to the portfolio version.
If a portfolio profile is stored for this portfolio version, the second benchmark is taken from it if necessary.
Asset allocation
Only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis".
Here the Infront Portfolio Manager displays the currently selected asset allocation of the portfolio version. If necessary, select an asset allocation that has already been created from the selection list. To change the selected one or enter a new one, select the "Allocation..." button to the right of it. More on this in the section Asset allocation.
Only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis".
Here you can see the restrictions assigned to the portfolio version. Select the "Restrictions..." button to the right to assign restrictions to the portfolio version or to edit them.
The button is only active after the portfolio has been created, including at least one portfolio version, i.e. the first time it is called up via the "Properties" command in the portfolio context menu.
The text that appears informs you of the number of restrictions already assigned.
The restrictions defined here for the portfolio version and any restrictions added via an assigned portfolio profile are merged. This means that both the restrictions of the portfolio version and the restrictions of the portfolio profile apply.
This selection is only available if at least one of the two modules "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" and "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" is licensed.
Click on the "Configure..." button button takes you to the user-defined fields of the portfolio version. The field category assigned to the selected investment agent is then already open so that you can configure it.
Historicized properties: Reporting
In the "Portfolio properties" dialog box, click on the "Supervisor" mini-tab to enter the following properties for the portfolio version:
Evaluation currency
Select the evaluation currency of the portfolio version for the report evaluations of the portfolio here.
The default setting is "n/a". In this case, the default currency from the global settings is used in reports - unless a currency is explicitly selected via the parameters of the report.
Reporting profile
Setting only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting".
The reporting profile assigned to the portfolio version in Scheduled Reporting. If you have created several reporting profiles, you can select a different reporting profile from this list if necessary.
Reporting frequency
Select the reporting frequency of the portfolio version in this selection list:
Setting from Scheduled Reporting only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting".
You should only deactivate this checkbox if you want to (temporarily) deactivate the reporting profile defined for this portfolio version from Scheduled Reporting.
Loss threshold portfolio
Setting only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting".
Enter the desired loss threshold as a positive number in the "Portfolio loss threshold" input field using the arrow buttons or the keyboard, e.g. "8.00" for 8%.
Note: According to MiFID II, the loss threshold for portfolios under financial portfolio management may not exceed 10%. You can check the entered threshold value in the Infront Portfolio Manager using a plausibility check.
Setting only available with licensed module "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting".
Enter the desired loss threshold for individual securities as a positive number in the "Securities loss threshold" input field using the arrow buttons or the keyboard, e.g. "8.00" for 8%.
Note: According to MiFID II, the loss threshold for derivative securities in retail client portfolios may not exceed 10%. You can check the entered threshold value in the Infront Portfolio Manager using a plausibility check.
With the evaluation Monitoring loss thresholds WP you can then always check this loss threshold for all securities in the portfolio that are marked as WM leverage products in the securities master data.
Historicized properties: Supervisor
In the "Portfolio properties" dialog box, switch to the "Supervisor" mini-tab to view the data on the assigned supervisor or to change the supervisor assignment:
The name of the assigned supervisor.
The organization of the assigned supervisor.
Supervisor no.
The supervisor number of the assigned supervisor.
Care area: Name
The name of the care area of the assigned caregiver.
Care area: Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the care area of the assigned caregiver.
Button "Assign supervisor..."
Select this button to assign a supervisor to the portfolio version via the "Manage supervisor" dialog box.
Select this button to cancel the current supervisor assignment of the portfolio version.
You can assign a (different) supervisor at any time using the "Assign supervisor..." button.
Historicized properties: Remark - general
In the "Portfolio properties" dialog box, switch to the "Comment - general" mini-tab:
Remark - general
Take comments on the portfolio version from this input field or enter them here.
Historicized properties: Allocation remarks
In the "Portfolio properties" dialog box, switch to the "Allocation remarks" mini-tab:
Allocation remarks
Take comments specifically for portfolio rebalancing from this input field or enter them here. You can display the allocation notes in the portfolio rebalancing via the "Show extended data" function in the portfolio list and also query them via MM-Talk ( AllocationNotesfunction).
Historicized properties: Fee calculation (only with licensed module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis")
In the "Portfolio properties" dialog box, switch to the "Fee calculation" mini-tab to configure the data for calculating the asset management fee:
Fee reporting frequency
Select the fee reporting frequency of the portfolio version in this selection list. The following intervals are available for selection:
n/a If this entry is selected, the start of the year is selected as the start date in the "Fee controlling", "Extended fee invoice report" and "Extended fee invoice report with graphic" reports. If portfolios are created at a later date, this investment date is set as the start date.
Hurdle rate
Use the arrow buttons or the keyboard to enter the level of the hurdle rate that may have been agreed.
The hurdle rate is the return threshold of an actively managed fund that a fund manager must achieve in order to collect a performance-related bonus.
Asset management fee
Enter the amount of the asset management fee here using the arrow buttons or the keyboard.
Performance fee
Enter the amount of the performance fee here using the arrow buttons or the keyboard.
The data on the "Fee invoice" mini-tab is taken into account in the following tables and reports: