Parameter view in "Investment agent" mode
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
In "Investment agent" mode, you restrict the matching instruments for portfolio rebalancing.
To exit the parameter view, select the "Parameter view" icon on the "Portfolio rebalancing" tab or press the <CTRL>+<B> key combination.
Use the parameter view of the matching interface to select the securities to be taken into account during matching:
- In the parameter view, you will find two selection lists "Restrict rebalancing to types" and "Restrict rebalancing to securities" for restricting order generation to security types or individual instruments.
- Due to the respective configuration of investment agents or model portfolios, not all securities appear in the "Restrict rebalancing to securities" section. If at least one security of an asset class is affected, then all securities of this asset class are displayed (if necessary with the value "0" in the column "Debit order pieces").
- In the "Restrict rebalancing to securities" area, you can activate the "Short position" checkbox in the search result of the object search in order to mark the selected securities as short positions. These securities then appear in the selection list with the addition "Short". For further details, please read the section Treatment of short positions.
- The filtering of securities is combined, i.e. for an instrument to be ordered, it must both correspond to a selected security type and appear in the list of selected instruments. If the list of selected instruments is empty, only the security type filter is used.
- You can explicitly add a number of securities to the list of securities before a comparison using the "Search" icon. The corresponding filtering then takes effect directly with the first adjustment. Conversely, filtering can also take place after an adjustment has already been carried out. After each comparison, the list of available instruments is supplemented by the new mislocated instruments. You can then configure the filter by ticking the desired instruments.
- In the context menu of the selection lists, you will find commands to quickly activate or deactivate all checkboxes.
Select the "Apply" buttonto recalculate and evaluate the order list. The parameter view is then closed automatically.