Neutral booking
The "Neutral entry" account transaction type can be used to enter rounding errors or non-taxable gains or losses. These amounts are neither included in equity nor in the statement of income. However, these bookings are evaluated in the performance calculation.
To enter neutral bookings, proceed as follows:
- Open the "Enter transactions" worksheet as described above in the section Enter transactions and select the desired holder if necessary.
- Open the ACCOUNT menu in the "Enter transactions" worksheet.
- Select the transaction type NEUTRAL BOOKING at Account transaction types .
Use the keyboard to enter neutral bookings when the "Enter transactions" worksheet is open as follows: Press the key combination <CTRL>+<2> for the account transaction types. Then press the button<N>.
The "Neutral booking" dialog box appears, which corresponds to the dialog box described in the section Cash contribution . - Complete or change the information in the fields if necessary.
Complete the neutral booking with the "Enter" button.
For neutral bookings, you should always enter a meaningful description in the "Comment" input field.