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Cash contribution

As a rule, you need cash deposits after you have created an account in order to initially fund this account with an amount. However, vwd portfolio manager can also work with negative amounts, e.g. accounts that are in debit.

To enter a cash deposit, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the "Enter transactions" worksheet as described above in the section Enter transactions and select the desired holder if necessary.
  2. Open the ACCOUNT menu in the "Enter transactions" worksheet.
  3. Select the transaction type CASH DEPOSIT at Account transaction types .
    Use the keyboard to enter a cash deposit with the "Enter transactions" worksheet open as follows: Press the key combination <CTRL>+<2> for the account transaction types. Then press the button<D>.
    The "Cash deposit" dialog box appears.
  4. Complete or change the information in the fields if necessary. The details of these fields can be found in the following table.

    The fields in detail:




    If necessary, select a (different) holder here.

    Booking type

    Here you can quickly switch to another transaction type without leaving the dialog box.


    If necessary, select another account of the holder for the cash deposit.


    Enter the date of the cash deposit here. The default setting is the current date. You can change the date manually, e.g. to enter bookings at a later date.

    Value date

    Enter the value date of the cash deposit here.


    In this field, enter the amount of the cash deposit (in the currency set below).


    In this field you must enter the currency in which the cash deposit was made. The default setting is the currency of the account.

    Dev. course

    The exchange rate is always entered automatically and usually does not need to be entered by you. However, you can change it if necessary. Then enter the exchange rate at which you purchased the amount here, if it does not correspond to the default setting. Use the selection field on the right to reverse the exchange rate if necessary, e.g. from EUR/USD to USD/EUR.

    Ausm. Amount

    Your Infront Portfolio Manager calculates the amount from your amount and currency details and displays it here.


    Enter comments on the cash deposit here.

    Transaction number

    If the transaction comes via a Portfolio Sync Interface, you will see the transaction number here, which is used to identify the transactions.

    Plausibility checks

    Depending on your personal configuration, plausibility checks may run in the background when transactions are entered. Corresponding messages are then displayed above the buttons.


    "Note: The value date must be on or after the closing date."

    To see all other messages, point to the message with the mouse. To see the detailed test results, click on the message.

    In these cases, correct your entries before completing the transactions.

    Read the section on plausibility checks.

  5. Close the dialog box with the "Enter" button.
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