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Account transaction types

The account transaction types (<STRG>+<2>) are in turn divided into different categories. You can recognize these by the horizontal demarcation lines in the menu. Refer to the following table for the individual account transaction types and their category:

Transaction type

Key combination


Cash contribution


Account movement

Cash withdrawal


Account movement

Account transfer


Account movement

Neutral booking


Account movement

Advertising expenses


Advertising costs and fees

Custody fees


Advertising costs and fees

VV fees
(asset management fees)


Advertising costs and fees

Stamp duty


Advertising costs and fees

Limit fees


Advertising costs and fees

Credit interest



Debit interest



Invest fixed-term deposits


Fixed-term deposits and loans

All transaction types in this category are classified as "Special investments". You can read how these are treated in the statement of assets and other evaluations in the section on special assets.

Liquidate fixed-term deposit


Fixed-term deposits and loans

Take out a loan


Fixed-term deposits and loans

Loan interest/repayment


Fixed-term deposits and loans

Foreign exchange business


Foreign exchange

Forward exchange transaction


Foreign exchange

The transaction type "forward exchange transaction" also belongs to the "special investments". You can read how these are treated in the statement of assets and other evaluations in the section on special assets.

Tax refund



Tax burden



Other income



Credit note Refund



Flat-rate transaction costs



Initial Margin



All transaction types in this category are classified as "Special investments". You can read about how these are treated in the statement of assets and other evaluations in the Special assetssection.

Initial margin repayment



Variation Margin



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