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Create new portfolio version

Before you can enter historicized properties for a portfolio, you must at least create a portfolio version. Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the "Portfolio properties" dialog box as described in the sections Create portfolio or Portfolio properties .
  2. Select the "Create new portfolio version" icon above the version history.

    Use the "Copy selected portfolio version" icon to quickly copy already configured properties to a new portfolio version.
    The new portfolio version is added to the version history at the top of the list with the current date.

  3. If necessary, enter the desired date in the "Version valid from" input field.
  4. You can enter a name for the portfolio version in the "Version name" field.
  5. Fill in the other historicized properties, including the profile key and user-defined fields if necessary.
    If necessary, also read the sections Portfolio properties and Portfolios and user-defined fields.
  6. Proceed in the same way for other portfolio versions to be created.
    When entering the portfolio version properties, plausibility checks may run in the background depending on your personal configuration.
    Corresponding messages are then displayed above the buttons. To see all other messages, point to the message with the mouse. To see the detailed test results, click on the message.
    Correct the incorrect entries before closing the dialog box. Read the section on plausibility checks.
  7. Close the "Portfolio properties" dialog box with "OK".
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