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Indicator time series

Time series.AccDis[start date]→Time series

Result: The AccDis function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.Aroon[period]→Time series

Result: The Aroon function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The BollingerBands function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.CCI[period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset;CCIconstant]→Time series

Result: The CCI function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The ChaOsci function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ChaVola[period;GD_period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset]→Time series

Result: The ChaVola function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.CMO[period]→Time series

Result: The CMO function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.cop[period_ROC1;period_ROC2;GD_period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset]→Time series

Result: The Cop function returns the corresponding indicator.

Time series.DBS[period;GDperiod]→Time series

Result: The DBS function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.DEMA[period]→Time series

Result: The DEMA function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.DemandIndex[period]→Time series

Result: The DemandIndex function returns the corresponding indicator.

Time series.DMI[period;DMI_variant]→Time series

Result: The DMI function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The DSS function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.DYMI→Time series

Result: The DYMI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ElderBear[period]→Time series

Result: The ElderBear function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ElderBull[period]→Time series

Result: The ElderBull function returns the corresponding indicator.

Time series.EMC[period]→Time series

Result: The EMC function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The Envelopes function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.force[Period;Method;XVset;Yset]→Time series

Result: The Force function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The KAMA function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.KeltnerChannel[period]→Time series

Result: The KeltnerChannel function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.KST[ROC_Period1;GD_Period1;Weight1;ROC_Period2;GD_Period2;Weight2;ROC_Period3;GD_Period3;Weight3;ROC_Period4;GD_Period4;Weight4;GD_Method1;GD_XRate1;GD_YRate1;GD_Method2;GD_XRate2;GD_YRate2;GD_Method3;GD_XRate3;GD_YRate3;GD_Method4;GD_XRate4;GD_YRate4]→Time series

Result: The KST function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The MACD function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.MASS[period;GD_period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset] →Time series

Result: The MASS function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.MFI[period]→Time series

Result: The MFI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.Mom[Period;PeriodGD;GD_Variant;GD_XVset;GD_YVset] →Time series

Result: The Mom function returns the corresponding indicator.

Time series.MomAdditive[period]→Time series

Result: The MomAdditiv function returns the corresponding indicator.

Time series.notisV[Oscillator;Period;Method;XVset;Yset]→Time series

Result: The NotisV function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.NVI[start date]→Time series

Result: The NVI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.OBOS[period]→Time series

Result: The OBOS function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.OBV[start date]→Time series

Result: The OBV function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ParabolicSAR[Acceleration factor;Factor maximum]→Time series

Result: The ParabolicSAR function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.PFE[period;GDperiod;price scale]→Time series

Result: The PFE function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.PFEAdaptive[period;GDperiod;price scale]→Time series

Result: The PFEAdaptive function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The ProjectionBands function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The PrOs function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.PVI[start date]→Time series

Result: The PVI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.PVT[start date]→Time series

Result: The PVT function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.rainbow[period;method]→Time series

Result: The Rainbow function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.RainbowOscillator[period;method]→Time series

Result: The RainbowOscillator function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.REI[period]→Time series

Result: The REI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.RMI[MomPeriod;Period]→Time series

Result: The RMI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ROC[period;GD_period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset] →Time series

Result: The ROC function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The RS function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.RSI[period]→Time series

Result: The RSI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.RSL[Period;Method;XVset;Yset]→Time series

Result: The RSL function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The RVI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.RWI[Bottom;Top]→Time series

Result: The RWI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.stochastic[Slow;C_period;D_period;D_method;D_Xoffset;D_Yoffset]→Time series

Result: The Stochastic function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.StochRSI[period]→Time series

Result: The StochRSI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.SROC[period;GD_period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset] →Time series

Result: The SROC function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.TBI[periodGD_short;periodGD_long;Gdshort_type;Gdshort_Xset;Gdshort_Yset;Gdlong_type;Gdlong_Xset;Gdlong_Yset]→Time series

Result: The TBI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.TEMA[period]→Time series

Result: The TEMA function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.TRIX[Period;Method;XVset;Yset]→Time series

Result: The TRIX function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.TRSI[periodGD_short;periodGD_long;Gdshort_type;Gdshort_Xoffset;Gdshort_Yoffset;Gdlong_type;Gdlong_Xoffset;Gdlong_Yoffset]→Time series

Result: The TRSI function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.TSF[period;forecast]→Time series

Result: The TSF function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ULOS[X;Y;Z]→Time series

Result: The ULOS function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.UpDownVolume[period]→Time series

Result: The UpDownVolume function provides a sales time series weighted with price increases.

Time series.VHF[period]→Time series

Result: The VHF function provides the corresponding indicator.


Result: The VolOs function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.VPT[period]→Time series

Result: The VPT function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.WAccDis[start date]→Time series

Result: The WAccDis function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.WilliamsR[period]→Time series

Result: The WilliamsR function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.WMAShadow[period;method;shadow]→Time series

Result: The WMAShadow function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.WVAD[start date]→Time series

Result: The WVAD function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.WVola[GD_period;GD_method;GD_Xoffset;GD_Yoffset;Start date]→Time series

Result: The WVola function provides the corresponding indicator.

Time series.ZigZag[Threshold]→Time series

Threshold (percentage): Minimum price change.

Result: The ZigZag function returns the ZigZag line of the input time series for<threshold>.

Results of the various indicator functions

The results of the indicator functions are the lines of the corresponding indicators. (See the chapter List of indicators.

If an indicator requires several price developments as input, these are requested from the predecessor. These functions are therefore best applied to price time series.

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