List of indicators
All indicators can be set individually. The details of the indicators supported by Infront Portfolio Manager, such as the formula, the standard interpretation or the statement, can be found in this help. We have already created basic trading systems for almost all indicators, which generate buy and sell signals using the default settings of the indicators. You can also print out these chapters if required.
Indicator names in the Infront Portfolio Manager
Indicators in the Infront Portfolio Manager | Name in Infront Portfolio Manager |
Accumulation/Distribution Line | ACCDIS |
Advance Decline Line (market indicator) | ADL |
Aroon | Aroon |
Bollinger Bands | Bollinger Bands |
Chaikin Oscillator | CHAOSZI |
Chaikin`s Volatility | CHAVOLA |
Chande Momentum Oscillator | CMO |
Commodity Channel Index | CCI |
Coppock indicator | COP |
Demand Index | DI |
Directional Movement Indicator | DMI |
Double Exponential Moving Average | DEMA |
Double Smoothed Stochastics | DSS |
Double Stochastics | DBS |
Dynamic Momentum Index | DYMI |
Ease of Movement | EMC |
Elder Ray | Elderbear/Elderbull |
Envelopes | Envelopes |
Force Index | Force |
Moving average | GD |
Kaufman`s Adaptive Moving Average | KAMA |
Keltner Channel | Keltner |
MASS Index | MASS |
Momentum | Momentum |
Money Flow Index | MFI |
Moving Average Convergence Divergence Indicator | MACD |
Moving Average Index (market indicator) | MAY |
Negative Volume Index | NVI |
New High/New Low Index (market indicator) | HLI |
Notis %V | Notis %V |
On Balance Volume | OBV |
Overbought/Oversold | Overbought/Oversold |
Parabolic SAR | Parabolic SAR |
Polarized Fractal Efficiency | PFE |
Positive Volume Index | PVI |
Price and Volume Trend | PVT |
Price Oscillator | PROS |
Pring`s KST | KST |
Projection Bands | PB |
Rainbow | Rainbow |
Rainbow Oscillator | Rainbow Oscillator |
Random Walk Index | RWI |
Range Expansion Index | REI |
Rate of Change | ROC |
Relative Momentum Index | RMI |
Relative strength | RS |
Relative strength index according to Welles Wilder | RSI |
Relative strength according to Levy | RSL |
Relative Volatility Index | RVI |
Smoothed Rate of Change | SROC |
Standard derivation (standard deviation) | STD |
Stochastic RSI Oscillator | StochRSI |
Stochastic indicator | Stochastics |
Time Series Forecast | TSF |
Trend confirmation indicator | TBI |
Triple Exponential Moving Average | TEMA |
Trix | TRIX |
True Strength Index | TRSI |
Ultimate Oscillator | ULOS |
Upside/downside volume (market indicator) | Up/Down Volume |
Vertical Horizontal Filter | VHF |
Volatility | VOLA |
Volume Oscillator | VOLOS |
Volume Price Trend | VPT |
Wilder`s Volatility | WVOLA |
Williams %R | WilliamsR |
Williams' Accumulation Distribution | WACCDIS |
Williams' shadow lines | Shadow |
Williams' Variable Accumulation Distribution | WVAD |
ZigZag | ZigZag |
You can find out more about the individual indicators in the section All indicators in the Infront Portfolio Manager .