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The most powerful way of assigning a placeholder is the "Formula" field type. This allows you to define the label with an MM-Talk formula expression.

  1. Select the "Formula" field type.
  2. Select the "Formula..." button.
  3. The formula editor opens and you can enter any formula. You can find more information about MM-Talk at MM-Talk reference.
  4. Specify the input format of the formula in the "Input" field by selecting the corresponding option.

    The following types are available:



    Initial objects

    Defines the same objects as input for the formula that are also input objects for the evaluation (e.g. a holder in an asset overview).

    Preformula result

    Defines the result objects of the preformula as input for the formula (e.g. a security in a securities list).

    You can find more information on this in the Preformula section and in the Formula editor chapter of the MM-Talk reference.


    Does not specify an input for the formula.

  5. Select the "Format..." button and specify the display format in the "Customize formats" dialog box.
  6. Confirm your settings with "OK".

The result of a formula may not be just one element, but a list with several elements. The formula "", for example, returns as many owner names as there are owners in the evaluation. The result is then very long and is difficult to place in the title line. In such cases, you can limit the result to a certain number of elements using the entry in the "Number" field. You can optionally mark the shortened display form with dots by activating the "Dots for remainder" checkbox.

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