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Elder Ray


Combination trend follower/oscillator

Short introduction

The Elder Ray, listed in the Infront Portfolio Manager as the separate indicators Elder Bull and Elder Bear, is a combination of a trend follower and an oscillator. The developer, Dr. Alexander Elder, is trying to screen the market with this indicator, similar to the way doctors do with X-rays. The term "Elder Ray" is only the generic term for the two actual indicators.


For both indicators, an exponential GD is calculated first; in the case of Bear Power, the GD is subtracted from the daily low; in the case of Bull Power, the GD is subtracted from the daily high.

A value above the zero line in the Bull Power indicates that the daily high is above the GD, a negative value indicates that the daily high (and thus all prices of the day) is below the GD. In Bear Power, a negative value means that the daily low is below the GD, while a positive value indicates that the daily low (and thus all prices of the day) is above the GD.

The display is usually in the form of a histogram.


Bull power = H -EMAx
Bear power = L -EMAx


The interpretation is done primarily by looking for divergences between the actual price trend and the two indicators. A negative signal is given when the underlying asset is still forming new highs, while the indicator is no longer forming new highs; a positive signal is given when the actual price trend is still forming new lows, but the indicator is no longer forming new lows.

Chart 13 Tage Elder Bull und Elder Bear untereinander

Default setting

  • 13 days

Basic trading systems

  • None

Related indicators

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