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Define your own chart form elements

To add your own chart form elements to the pull-down menus of the icons "Show new time series", "Show basic trading system" and "Show indicator", the following steps are necessary:

  1. Select the CHART FORMULA ELEMENTS command in the menu of the "Further configurations" icon on the "Configuration" tab. The "Set up chart form elements" dialog box opens.
  2. Select "Own" as the owner.

    The entries in the pull-down menus are user-dependent. In a network installation, each user only ever sees the standard entries and the entries they have configured themselves.

  3. In the "Type" field, select whether you want to create a new time series, a time series function (formula splitter) or a basic trading system.
    Formula elements that have already been created are displayed in the list on the left-hand side of the window.
  4. Select the "Create new element" icon. A new formula element is added to the list (appears with a grey background).
    In the right-hand half of the dialog window, additional fields appear in which you can make various settings.
  5. Enter a meaningful name in the "Name" field, e.g. "Moving average".
  6. In the "Legend scheme" field, specify what should be displayed in the legend.
    In addition to static text, you can also display one or more parameters of the function. Each parameter must then be between two dollar signs: $parameter$
    The current assignment of the parameter is then displayed at this point in the legend.
  7. Specify whether the new formula element in the chart should be drawn in a separate chart; this is particularly useful if the values differ significantly from those of the normal price time series. Turnover, for example, is usually shown in a separate diagram.
  8. Select the "Edit formula..." button. The formula editor opens. Enter the desired function or formula and save. The formula editor is closed.
    You can find more information on the formula editor and the MM-Talk formula language in the MM-Talk reference.
  9. Select the "Edit display..." button. The "Time series properties" dialog box opens. Specify the display of the newly defined time series here and confirm your settings with "Apply".
  10. Carry out steps 3 to 9 for all functions or trading systems that you wish to redefine.
  11. Confirm your settings with "OK". The dialog box is closed. The newly created formula elements are now available at the top of the corresponding pull-down menus.

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