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Upload dashboard templates via a "batch export" job

The procedure described here is outdated. We recommend using the much simpler workflow described in the section Uploading dashboard templates via the "Customer Account Update" job type to upload dashboard templates to .

If you have licensed the "Dashboards" and "Portfolio Service Batch Export Tables" modules, you can create and save a batch export configuration for uploading the standard dashboard templates (template category "").

You can then execute this batch export as a job of the type "Batch export" on a time-controlled basis. In order to upload the dashboard templates from the Infront Portfolio Manager to , you must define a batch export configuration as described below and configure the corresponding job.

A schedule for uploading to can then be created via the time control.

Make sure that you follow the following instructions exactly, e.g. the batch export configuration and job must have the exact name "Cloud Uploader".

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