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Step 2: Configure job

If you have created the "Cloud Uploader" batch export configuration as described above, you must then define a job for the automatic upload.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the CONFIGURE JOBS command in the menu of the "Jobs" icon on the "Reporting" tab in the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon.
    The "Configure Jobs" worksheet opens.
  2. Select the "Create new job" icon.
  3. Enter the name "Cloud Uploader" in the settings and select "Batch export" as the job type.
  4. Switch to the "Other settings" tab and select the previously created batch export configuration "Cloud Uploader" from the "Batch name" selection list.

    As the execution of the job is triggered by the time control, no schedule needs to be configured here for this job.
  5. Finally, save the job settings using the "Save" icon in the quick access toolbar or the <CTRL>+<S> key combination.

A Portfolio Manager server must be running for the automated execution of these batch export jobs for .

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