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Open chart via Explorer

By default, the Explorer is displayed on the left-hand side. If it is not currently visible, select the "Explorer" icon on the "Start" tab to show the Explorer. To open via the Explorer, it makes sense to divide the database clearly within the Explorer. Proceed as follows to open the workspace of a security with the charts:

  1. If necessary, open the folder containing the security or the price quote.
  2. Double-click on the security or the price quote in the Explorer.

The workspace is opened in the evaluation area.

The chart is displayed using the standard template for this security type, usually "Chart Standard". In addition to the price trend, the template also shows the moving average, the turnover and the security profile.

Click on the tabs to switch to other worksheets with other chart forms (candlestick, bar, etc.).

  • Would you like to display the chart with a completely different template? Select the command OPEN WITH TEMPLATE... in the context menu of the security and select another template in the "Open template" dialog box.
  • Under the worksheet "Charting" you will find the worksheets with the most common chart forms. Worksheets can be individually extended or designed using the CONFIGURE WORKSPACES command in the menu of the "Workspaces" icon on the "Configuration" tab. More on this in the chapter Configure workspaces.
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