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Edit user




The globally unique name of the user.


Activate or deactivate the access or user here. Deactivated users can no longer log in - neither to Infront Portfolio Manager nor to any other tools in the Infront Portfolio Manager environment that require a login (e.g. user management).

Password never expires

If you activate this checkbox, the password of this user will never lose its validity, even if a maximum password validity has been entered in the password settings. If necessary, read the section EXTRAS menu.

Set password

Use this button to set a password for the user. As an administrator, you do not need to know the existing user password, but can simply assign a new password.


The user's e-mail address.


Enter notes on this user in this input field.


Here you can see the name of the supervisor currently assigned to this user.

You can select a (different) supervisor using the "Assign supervisor" button.

Assign supervisor

Select this button to assign a (different) supervisor to the user via the "Manage supervisor" dialog box that appears.

For further details, please read the section Supervisor.

Remove assignment

Select this button to remove the current supervisor assignment for this user and set the "Supervisor" field to <None>.

Workspace profile

If necessary, select the workspace profile for this user here. In the default setting <Default>, the user receives the standard system configuration for working with Infront Portfolio Manager.

Please also read the section Workspace profiles.

Workspace profile (Web)

Here you can configure the workspace profiles (web) for a user that are specially tailored to the Infront Advisory Solution.

The workspace profiles (web) are edited in the Infront Portfolio Manager. It is not possible to edit the configuration in the Infront Advisory Solution. The information on configuring the workspace profiles also applies here.

For workspace profiles (web) for the Infront Advisory Solution, evaluations are available for custody account objects (holders, portfolios, custody accounts and accounts). To also make the evaluations available for lists of input objects (e.g. in "Customer lists" or in "Portfolio lists"), activate the "Lists and folders" checkbox in the "Edit workspace profile" dialog box. List evaluations in the Infront Advisory Solution require either owners or portfolios as input objects.

Only "suitable evaluations" are displayed in the Infront Advisory Solution. Unsuitable templates and tools - e.g. "Enter transactions" - do not appear in the Infront Advisory Solution, regardless of the workspace configuration.

Please note that the system right "Create, change and delete workspace profiles" is required for configuration.

Hiring profile

If necessary, select the settings profile for this user here. In the default setting <Default>, the user receives the standard system configuration for working with Infront Portfolio Manager.

Please also read the section Settings profiles.


If you also use the Infront Advisory Solution in addition to the Infront Portfolio Manager, you can activate the linked product "Market Manager Financials Web" for the extended market data for the user by entering a valid vwd-ID.

Windows ID

Here you can enter one or more user principal names ("UPN") for the users of the Infront Portfolio Manager. This enables, for example, an automated object import or a login via command line with parameters.;;

As in the example, when entering several user principal names in the input field, the names must be separated by semicolons.

Cloud ID

You can enter the user's Cloud ID here. The cloud ID corresponds to the "user name" that you enter in the browser when you log in to the cloud services.

Please also read the section Log in to Infront Portfolio Manager as a cloud user.

Using offline tokens

Activate this checkbox if you want to activate the use of a user-specific offline token for the user to connect to the services. The user can then generate this via the LOGIN TO CLOUD command on the "Configuration" tab in the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon.

System rollers

Use the "Add" and "Remove" buttons to assign system roles to the user or remove them again.

Zone authorizations

Use the "Add" button to assign the user a specific role in a specific zone. The following "Role/zone assignment" dialog box opens:

Select the zone using the "Select zone..." button on the right-hand side.

In the dialog box that appears, you can select several zones by pressing and holding the <CTRL> key (or <SHIFT> if the entries are one below the other):

Close the dialog box after selection with "OK".

Then select the "Select role" button to assign a role to these zones.

Confirm the assignment in the "Role/zone assignment" dialog box with "OK".

If the domain feature has been activated, the zones available to the user must either be in the same domain as the user himself or be public.

Selected assignments can be deleted again using the "Remove" button. Multiple selection is also possible here.

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