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Risk classes in the EDG certificate rating

The results of the EDG certificate rating are displayed in two dimensions. On the one hand, the product risk is shown. Each product is assigned to one of the five risk classes. For example, if a product is in risk class 1, it is suitable for safety-oriented investors.

The individual risk classes of EDG:

  • Risk class 1: Safety-oriented
  • Risk class 2: Limited willingness to take risks
  • Risk class 3: Willing to take risks
  • Risk class 4: Increasingly willing to take risks
  • Risk class 5: Speculative

In the Infront Portfolio Manager, all security types and special investments are divided into the individual risk classes. These risk classes correspond to those of the EDG certificate rating. Please read the section on risk classes.

On the other hand, product quality is indicated by awarding a maximum of five stars. A 5-star product is of very good quality compared to similarly equipped products.


0 stars: not suitable

1 star: hardly suitable

2 stars: below average

3 stars: average

4 stars: good

5 stars: very good

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