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EDG certificate rating

EDG offers quantitative analyses in the financial sector that enable investors to quickly grasp complex (product) structures. This includes product and risk assessments as well as the calculation of key figures and sensitivities (Greeks). A particular focus is on the revaluation of structured products, complex derivatives and illiquid interest rate products.

The EDG certificate rating makes the complex selection and monitoring process for structured products easier for advisors and investors.

In the first step, the EDG Certificate Rating classifies the suitability of a product for a selected investor profile. The second step involves an independent quality assessment, taking into account costs, trading, creditworthiness and the provision of information. This quality assessment enables the user to select the most suitable product from similar certificates.

Thanks to the permanent monitoring of product risk on the one hand and product quality on the other, investors and advisors have the opportunity to tailor the portfolio to individual requirements. As the risk and product quality can change during the term, the rating is updated weekly so that investments can be monitored on an ongoing basis.

With EDG's certificate ratings and risk classes, you can quickly find the most suitable certificates and warrants. So you always have an overview.

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