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Risk profile analysis report

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

You can find the "Risk profile analysis report", for example, in the workspace of a portfolio on the "Reporting", "Risk" worksheet.

The "Risk profile analysis report" lists the Risk classes of all investment instruments of a holder with their market value and displays this breakdown as a pie chart.

If you have assigned a risk classification for the input object (holder, portfolio or securities account) via its user-defined fields , the "Risk profile analysis report" is extended to include the risk profile comparison. This allows you to see directly to what extent the allocation applies to the risk class entered and what percentage of the investment is invested in lower or higher risk classes.

A description of the parameters ("Evaluation date" and "Currency") of the "Risk profile analysis report", which you can display using the<CTRL>+ key combination<A>, for example, can be found in the section Parameters of the standard reports.

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