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Parameters of the standard reports

You can find out how to view or modify the parameters of an open report in the section Setting the report parameters.

Each report has its own individual parameters, but the following parameters can be found in many standard reports:



Evaluation date

The evaluation date of the report, which you can enter in the form "", for example.

The default setting is the current date or the date set in the "Global evaluation date" input field on the "Start" tab.

Evaluation currency or currency

The evaluation currency of the report.

By default, the currency stored in the input object of the report is selected.


If the input object is a holder with the evaluation currency "Euro", the report is also created in Euro. If the input object is a securities account with the currency "US dollar", the report is also created in US dollars. If no currency is set for the input object ("n/a"), the default currency from the global settings is used in the reports.

Start date beginning of year

Enter the desired start date here.

If you do not enter a date, the default setting is January 1 of the current calendar year.

Start date Reporting frequency

The start date from the reporting frequency.

If you do not enter a date, the default setting is the first day after the last reporting according to the currently set reporting frequency.


If you open the report in November and have selected "quarterly" as the reporting frequency for the owner, the "Reporting frequency start date" is October 1 of the current year by default.

Print date

Enter the print date of the report here.

The evaluation date and print date (creation date of the cover letter) differ, particularly for reports that are used as cover letters (e.g. cover sheet report, fee invoice report or loss threshold notification report).

The default setting is the current date.

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