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Plausibility checks

Portfolio service plausibility check" module

Plausibility checks help you to create and enter securities account objects and transactions. As you enter the data, you check whether it is plausible and complies with the specified conventions. To do this, select from the available plausibility checks and prioritize them.

Numerous plausibility checks have been stored for securities account master data, address and transaction data. The types of checks range from mandatory field checks (e.g. "Checks whether a value has been assigned to the "Holder no." field") to causality checks (e.g. "Checks whether the value date is on or after the closing date") and consistency checks (e.g. "Checks whether the tax and transaction exchange rates match").

You activate the checks via the plausibility check configuration so that only the relevant checks are carried out for each customer.

After configuration, the notes, warnings and errors integrated in the dialog windows, which you can click on to access a results display, help you to avoid errors during data entry.

To configure plausibility checks, you need the "Configure plausibility profile" system right.

To set up your individual recording guidelines, read the section Registerkarte "Plausibilitätsprüfungen konfigurieren".

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