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Parameters of the balance sheet

You can use these parameters (<CTRL>+<A>) to specify which criteria should apply to the overview. The details can be found in the following table.

If you do not make any entries, the default settings are assumed.



Evaluation date

Evaluation date of the evaluation, which you can enter in the form "".

The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab.

If there are no courses available for the date you specify, Infront Portfolio Manager will search for the last available course in the database by default. You can control this behavior via the global settings ("Configuration" tab). If necessary, read the section Portfolio settings - Asset valuation.


Evaluation currency.

The default setting is the currency from the properties of the input object (holder, portfolio, securities account).

However, you can also specify a different currency for the overview by selecting the desired currency from the list.


From all the asset classifications created, select the one according to which the items are to be split.

You can find out how to create your own asset classifications in the section Create new asset classification.

The "Asset class" classification is selected by default.

Cost calculation type

Select the calculation type of the purchase prices here. The default setting is "Average". To switch to FIFO calculation, select the "FIFO" entry.

Depending on the setting, the calculation of e.g. price and foreign exchange gains from securities positions also changes:

  • Average
    Basic principle: In the case of openings, the weighted average of the purchase prices of the existing position and the newly added units is calculated according to nominal value. The purchase price does not change in the event of a closing. There are no separate tranches with this type of calculation.
  • FIFO
    Basic principle: Openings generate new tranches. At closings, the shares from the oldest tranches are sold first.


Select the level (securities account objects) according to which the asset overview is to be grouped:

  • Portfolio (default setting)
  • Depot

Take purchase costs into account

Activate this checkbox if the purchase expenses are to be taken into account in the evaluation.

Consider sales charges

Activate this checkbox if the expenses potentially incurred during the sale are to be included in the evaluation.

As the sales charges are calculated using the commission scheme assigned to the respective securities account, this should be correctly selected and maintained.

Consider dividends

Activate this checkbox if the dividends already received (e.g. for shares or certificates) are to be taken into account when calculating the profit.

Take interest into account

Activate this checkbox if the interest already received is to be included in the profit calculation.

Taking fund distributions into account

Activate this checkbox if the fund distributions already received are to be included in the profit calculation.

Take interim profits into account

Activate this checkbox if the interim profits of funds are to be taken into account when calculating profits (purchase prices, valuation prices and unrealized profits).

In the "Price" column, for example, the interim profits are added to the net prices and thus the redemption prices are shown.

Please also read the corresponding excursus.

Notional currency gain

If the asset overview is displayed in a currency other than the account currency, the purchase price must not only be multiplied by the exchange rate between the securities currency and the account currency (on the order date), but also by the

Exchange rate between account currency and overview currency. There are two ways to determine the date for the exchange rate.

This date is defined via the "Notional currency gain" checkbox:

  • Activated: Exchange rate on the evaluation date
  • Deactivated: Exchange rate on order date

Consider storage locations

Activated by default.

In the standard setting, a security that is allocated to different depositories is listed separately for each depository in the balance sheet. Deactivate this checkbox to summarize the positions.

See the chapter Storage locations.

Consider coverage in ESG scores

Activated by default.

This parameter ensures that - especially for funds - the coverage is taken into account in the ESG scores in the corresponding columns.

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