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Securities account settings - Asset valuation

The following setting options are available to you in the "Asset valuation" area:


Use last available rate if no current rate is available

If this checkbox is activated (by default), the last available price is entered as the "current price" in the asset overview, for example.

This applies analogously to interim profits of funds from the share price system. Restriction: To prevent the dates of prices and associated interim profits from being too far apart, interim profits may not be more than 8 days older than the associated price.

Deactivate this checkbox if a 0 is to be entered in the asset valuation if the last price is older than 8 trading days.

Use valuation price (not maintained via Market Data Pool)

Here you have the option of activating the "Use valuation rate" checkbox to switch to a valuation of your evaluations that is independent of the data update. This checkbox is of course deactivated by default.

Please also read the section Evaluation courses.

Only use valuation rate

If the "Use valuation rate" checkbox is activated, the program generally only uses these valuation rates entered manually or via a Portfolio Sync interface for valuation. There is no mixing or supplementing with courses from the automatic data update.

Supplement valuation prices with prices from the Market Data Pool

If the "Use valuation rate" checkbox is activated and you select this entry in the selection list, the valuation rates are used first and, if necessary, supplemented using the data retrieval.

Supplement Market Data Pool price with valuation price

If the "Use valuation rate" checkbox is activated and you select this entry in the selection list, any missing rates during data retrieval and import will be supplemented by your valuation rates.

Evaluate from "Performance calculation from" date if this date is after the standard start time of the evaluation

If you activate this checkbox, evaluations (e.g. a performance chart) only start on the date entered in the "Performance calculation from" input field in the holder, portfolio or custody account properties, provided this date is later than the default start date of the evaluation (usually the beginning of the year).

If the "Performance calculation from" field is not set, the system checks whether the "Created on" date of the securities account object is after the standard start time of the evaluation. In this case, the "Created on" date is used.

Calculate average available capital on trading days (otherwise calendar days)

The determination of the average available capital - important for the calculation of performance according to the "Classic" method - is normally based on working days. Deactivate this checkbox to switch to the performance calculation by calendar days.

Please also read the section Calculation methods.

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