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Evaluation courses

You have the option of entering (manual) valuation rates. These represent a rate type that is not affected by the Market Data Pool updates, but which you can access in many ways analogous to the other rate types - in user-defined fields, individual (portfolio) evaluations, etc.

In the global settings, you can set your securities account evaluations to be opened on the basis of the valuation prices you enter here. To do this, select the SETTINGS command in the menu of the "General settings" icon on the "Configuration" tab and switch to the "Depot" tab, where you must activate the "Use valuation rate (not maintained via Market Data Pool)" checkbox. Then confirm the dialog box with "OK".

You will find the column "Course" in the dialog box for entering courses. Please read the sections Enter courses for a day and Entering the prices of a security.

Enter valuation rates

To enter valuation rates quickly, you can proceed as follows in addition to entering them manually in the table cells in the "Valuation rate" column:

  1. In the "Enter rates for a day" dialog box, select the "Create valuation rates..." button.
  2. The "Create valuation rates" dialog box appears. In the selection list at the top, select the price type from which you want to transfer the data, i.e. Close, Spot, Open, etc.
    By default, valuation prices are only created for securities for which none exist yet. If you want to overwrite the old valuation rates, activate the "Overwrite existing valuation rates" checkbox in the "Create valuation rates" dialog box. Then all courses are taken over.
  3. Confirm the dialog box with "OK" to accept the selected courses.
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