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MM-Talk reference

This reference contains all the functions available in MM-Talk.

You will find the following information for each function:

  • Function names
  • Parameter list
  • Object types that are expected as parameters
  • Result type of the function
  • Description of the parameters
  • Result of the function
  • Licensed modules required

The notation of the technical specifications for the functions is based on the property notation; it always follows the same scheme:

Function name

Input object:Input object type.function name[Parameter1;Parameter2;...]

Result typeParametersModuleResult
Result object type




Licensed modules requiredShort description of the result of the function

Example 1: GD

Time series.GD[Period;Method;XVset;Yset]

Result typeParametersModuleResult
Time series

Period (number).

Method (GD type [Linear]).

XVersatz (number[0]):
Number of periods by which the result is to be shifted.

YRatio (percentage[0]):
Factor by which the result is multiplied.

The moving average of the time series over time periods according to the corresponding method.

The "Method" parameter is of type "GD type", for example; it is calculated as "Linear" if no parameter is specified or this is set to "Default".

Example 2: If


Result typeParametersModuleResult

The function returns Object1 if the condition is "True"; otherwise Object2.

The If function has a truth value (Boolean object) as an input object and two additional parameters, which can be any objects. There are no module restrictions.

Some MM-Talk functions are only available if modules requiring a license have been activated. In these cases, you will find the name of the module under the function description - example: Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module.

A list of the modules can be found in the section Modules in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

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