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Manage people

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module

To create new persons or edit existing persons, select the PERSONS command in the "Manage objects" icon menu on the "Data maintenance" tab in the ribbon.

The "Manage people" dialog box opens.

Alternatively, you can access the "Manage persons" dialog box via the owner or interested party properties. Click on the "Persons" mini-tab and then on the "Create new person link" or "Edit selected person link" icon. Then click on the "Select person" button.

The properties of the dialog window in detail:



Surname of the person from their "personal properties".

First name

First name of the person from their "personal properties".

Date of birth

Date of birth of the person from their "personal properties".

Personal number

The number assigned to the person from their "Person properties".


The zone in which the person is created.

You can use this icon to create a new person.

Please read the section Create new person.

You can use this icon to edit a selected person.

Please read the section Change personal data.

You can use this icon to delete a selected person.

Please read the section Delete persons.

The linked person must be in the same zone as the respective owner or interested party.

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