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Enter investment profile for portfolio with "Direct investment profile entry" module

Proceed as follows to enter the customer profiling data for a portfolio directly in the Infront Portfolio Manager and save it in the profiling service with the licensed module "Direct Investment Profile Entry":

  1. In the Explorer, select the command PORTFOLIO, CREATE INVESTMENT PROFILE in the context menu of the portfolio.
  2. Enter the profiling data in the "Enter investment profile" dialog box that appears.
  3. Confirm the entries with "OK".

Specify the following investment profile data for the service in the "Enter investment profile" dialog box:



Loss-bearing capacity

Select the customer's loss-bearing capacity from the selection list:

  • The investor can bear no or only minor losses of the capital invested
  • The investor can bear losses (up to the complete loss of the capital invested)
  • The investor can also bear losses in excess of the capital invested

Investment objective

Select the customer's investment objective from the selection list:

  • Specific retirement provision
  • General asset formation/optimization
  • Disproportionate participation in price changes
  • Protection
Special requirements

Select any special investment requirements of the customer from the selection list:

  • Sustainability (ESG)/Green Investment
  • Ethical investment
  • Islam-compliant system
  • No special requirements

Risk indicator

Select the risk indicator (from 1 to 7) from the selection list. The basis is the 7 risk classes on a VaR basis analogous to the PRIIPS regulation (Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator "SRRI").
Distribution channel

Select the distribution channel from the selection list:

  • Consultation-free business
  • Execution only
  • Investment advice
Investment horizon

Select the customer's investment horizon from the selection list:

  • Short-term (less than 3 years)
  • Medium-term (3-5 years)
  • Long-term (more than 5 years)

Select the customer's level of knowledge of financial products in the selection list:

  • Basic knowledge and/or experience
  • Average knowledge and/or experience
  • Extensive knowledge and/or experience
  • Special knowledge and/or experience
Customer category

Select the category from the selection list:

  • Private customer
  • Suitable counterparty
  • Professional customer

[Only for FIDLEG]

Activate this checkbox if the (FIDLEG) holder uses opting-in or opting-out.

If necessary, please also read the section Information on FIDLEG.

Risk/returnSelect the risk class (from 1 to 7) from the selection list.
Taking MiFID II sustainability preferences into accountActivate this checkbox if the MiFID II sustainability preferences are to be taken into account during profiling.
Total share pursuant to the Disclosure Regulation

In this selection list, select the appropriate total share in accordance with the Disclosure Regulation as standard, e.g. from the following values:

  • From 0% (= no preference)
  • From 5%
  • From 25%
  • From 50%
Total share according to taxonomy regulation

In this selection list, select the appropriate total share in accordance with the Taxonomy Regulation as standard, e.g. from the following values:

  • From 0% (= no preference)
  • From 5%
  • From 25%
  • From 50%
Consideration of PAI-ESG categoriesActivate this checkbox if the PAI-ESG categories are to be taken into account during profiling.
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