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MiFID II services

Use the MiFID II target market, client profiling and cost transparency services integrated into the Infront Portfolio Manager to comply with regulatory requirements at all times.

With the corresponding modules, you are always in a position to analyze and monitor your portfolios and securities with the help of optimized evaluations.

The actual configuration of the target market and cost service is carried out via the web interface in the browser. Please refer to the separate documentation on target market service and cost service.

The FIDLEG regulations in Switzerland are also supported by the Infront Portfolio Manager.

Further information can be obtained at any time from the Customer Service of Infront Financial Technology GmbH.

For data protection reasons, object information (e.g. securities account or portfolio numbers) should only be transmitted in encrypted form when communicating with the cloud services. You can configure a key using the server configuration tool; details can be found in the administration manual.

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