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Keyboard shortcuts

To make keyboard input even more effective, there are various shortcuts in the Infront Portfolio Manager. The most important functions are executed via these shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcuts are shown in this documentation as capital letters in angle brackets, for example "Keyboard shortcut <CTRL>+<P>".

  • Buttons that are to be pressed simultaneously are connected with a "+".
  • <CTRL> is the "Control" button (also <CTRL>) at the bottom left.
  • <ENTF> is the "Remove key".
  • The <SHIFT> key (also <SHIFT>) switches from lower to upper case letters.
  • The <F> keys are the function keys on the top row of the keyboard.

In addition to the comprehensive user manuals, you will also find a compact PDF document(Keyboard shortcuts in Infront Portfolio Manager.pdf) with all the important keyboard shortcuts for quick download in the "Downloads" section.

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