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Keyboard shortcuts in the object search

To find and open an object, you probably often use the "Search field" in the ribbon. You can narrow down the objects to be searched for more precisely from the list on the left. Alternatively, you can also use the following key combinations to preselect objects:

Key combination



Search for securities.


Search for depot objects.


Search for folders.


Search for any objects.

To search for an owner with the name "Mustermann", for example, proceed as follows:

  1. Press the key combination <CTRL>+<D>. The default setting jumps to object type "Owner".
  2. Then enter, for example, "pattern" as the search term in the search field and press the <RETURN> key or select the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search field to start the search.

The result is displayed in the object search and you can refine the search if necessary or directly open the workspace of the owner you are looking for with all evaluations by double-clicking.

Please also read the section Search field and object search.

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