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Income from securities

This transaction type in Infront Portfolio Manager is used to record your securities income. The program automatically recognizes which income is to be recorded based on the security type. The following income, for example, falls under income from securities:

  • Dividends
  • Interest
  • Fund distributions
  • Fund restaurations
  • Profit participation certificate income

When entering the securities income, remember that the data entered will be available to you for subsequent evaluations. It is of course sufficient to enter the dividends or distributions here. The Infront Portfolio Manager automatically makes the necessary changes to the securities accounts and accounts.

Before you start entering your own dividends, interest and other income, you should first look at some examples and experiment a little. A depot with sample data for testing is already included in the scope of delivery of the Infront Portfolio Manager.

To enter a dividend, for example, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the "Enter transactions" worksheet as described above in the section Enter transactions and select the desired holder if necessary.
  2. Open the DEPOT menu in the "Enter transactions" worksheet.
  3. Select the transaction type SECURITIES INCOME in the Depot transaction types .
    Use the keyboard to enter securities income when the "Enter transactions" worksheet is open as follows: Press the key combination <CTRL>+<1> for the securities account transaction types. Then press the button<I>.
    The "Securities income" dialog box appears.
  4. Select the holder, custody account and account, if applicable.
  5. Enter the desired security in the "Selection" field. You can also enter just one part of a word and then press the <RETURN> key. Alternatively, you can select the "Search" icon or use the "Select security from portfolio" icon to quickly insert the security from your portfolio that pays the dividend.
    By selecting the security, its security type and thus also the type of income (dividend, fund distribution, etc.) is recognized.
  6. Complete or change the information in the fields if necessary. The details of these fields can be found in the following table.
  7. Select the "Next" button to go to the second page of the dialog box.

    Make sure that all entries match the details on your bank statement.

    Depending on what is stated on your bank statement, you can first enter the amount "Gross per item" or "Gross total" here. The other position is then calculated by the Infront Portfolio Manager.

    The calculations in Infront Portfolio Manager assume that you do not have an exemption order. For postings with an exemption order, you must manually overwrite the automatically shown taxes with the amount 0.

    The fields on the first page of the dialog box in detail:




    If necessary, select a (different) holder here.


    Select the relevant securities account here.


    Related account.

    Securities selection

    Enter the name of the security for which you want to enter the interest or dividends. Or search for a security in the database by clicking on the "Search" icon.

    You can also create a list of securities here by entering part of the name and then pressing the <RETURN> key or selecting the "Search" icon. Please read the section Search field and object search.

    Select a security from the securities portfolio

    You can use this function to quickly select securities from the securities account specified above.

    To do this, select the icon and then select the desired security from the list of securities contained in the securities account that appears.

    Income currency

    If necessary, select the appropriate currency for the income here.


    This is the date on which the income is deducted from the security price. You can change the date if required.

    Gross per unit in earnings currency

    Enter the gross amount shown per unit in the income currency here.

    Gross total in earnings currency

    If no amount per item is shown on your statement, enter the total amount according to the statement in the "Gross total in income currency" field. The Infront Portfolio Manager automatically calculates the corresponding unit price.


    The total number of items contained in the securities account is shown here.


    If necessary, enter a comment on the transaction in the input field. To do this, click in the input field and enter your text using the keyboard.

    Transaction number

    If the transaction comes via a Portfolio Sync Interface, you will see the transaction number here, which is used to identify the transactions.

    After clicking on the "Next" button:



    Yield on

    Order date.

    Value date

    Enter the value date here.

    You can define the preallocation via the general depot settings. The default setting is 2 working days after the closing date for Germany and 3 working days after the closing date for Switzerland. If necessary, read the section Securities account settings - Transaction entry.

    Dev. course

    If the income currency differs from the account currency, you will see the exchange rate used to convert the dividend into the account currency here.


    Enter the number of earnings if it differs from the number of securities contained in the securities account, as this will be displayed first.

    Gross per piece

    Enter the gross amount per item here, if not shown automatically.

    If no amount per item is shown on your invoice, enter the total amount according to the invoice in the "Gross total" field. The Infront Portfolio Manager then calculates a unit price.

    Total gross

    After entering the number and unit amount, the total amount (gross, in securities currency) appears here. You can also enter the total amount according to the statement here. The Infront Portfolio Manager then automatically calculates the unit price.

    Thereof tax-free

    If applicable, enter the portion of the amount that should not be included in the tax calculation here.

    For postings with an exemption order, you can therefore enter the relevant amount here (or manually overwrite the automatically displayed taxes with the amount 0). The display in the "Ausm. Amount" then changes accordingly.


    Enter the amount of VAT due on the transaction here.


    Activate this checkbox if the income recorded is reinvested by the security (fund).

    If this checkbox is activated, the additional input field "Tax liquidity" appears in the "Taxes" area at the bottom of the dialog box. For details, read the corresponding entry in the following subsection The taxes shown.

    Domestic expenses

    Enter any domestic expenses incurred on the income here.

    Default value: 0

    Foreign expenses

    Enter any foreign expenses incurred on the return here.

    Default value: 0

    Ausm. Amount

    This amount is posted to the corresponding account after clicking the "Enter" button.

    The reported taxes

    By default, the calculations in Infront Portfolio Manager assume that you do not have an exemption order. The corresponding taxes are calculated automatically and shown in the fields in the "Taxes" area, but can also be changed manually. They are also included in the subsequent evaluations.



    Assessment basis

    The tax-relevant gross income before loss offsetting and before tax deduction as a reference value for the flat-rate withholding tax (in tax currency).

    Default value:
    (Total gross - of which tax-free) * Exchange rate

    Tax currency

    The tax currency is pre-faded according to the holder's choice of tax domicile. The tax currency is saved during the transaction.

    The account currency is entered here for older transactions.

    Exchange rate

    Exchange rate from account currency to tax currency on the posting date. This exchange rate can only be changed if it is not already fixed via the existing exchange rate (securities currency by account currency).

    For existing transactions, 1 is entered here, as account currency = tax currency).

    Church tax

    If the "KiSt deduction by bank" checkbox is activated in the holder's properties, the church tax due is shown here as an amount in the tax currency. Otherwise the default value is 0.

    Church tax spouse

    If the "KiSt deduction spouse by bank" checkbox is activated in the holder's properties, the church tax due on the spouse is shown here as an amount in the tax currency. Otherwise the default value is 0.

    Withholding tax refundable

    Refundable withholding tax that has an impact on cash flow is reported here. If necessary, you can also enter or change the value for refundable withholding tax manually.

    Withholding tax creditable

    The creditable withholding tax that has an impact on cash flow is shown here. If necessary, you can also enter or change the value for creditable withholding tax manually.

    Fictitious withholding tax (informative)

    The notional withholding tax is shown here for your information only.

    Default value: 0

    Capital gains tax

    Capital gains tax already withheld (final withholding tax), which is later taken into account in the tax calculation as tax already paid. If necessary, you can also enter or change this tax manually.

    Withholding tax:

    Default value: (B-4*QSt_anr)*((1-EE)/(4+KiSt_Satz) + EE/(4+KiSt_Satz_Ehepartner))


    B = Assessment basis

    EE = spouse's share of ownership

    Interest income tax

    The interest income tax is shown here. If necessary, you can also enter or change the ZASt manually.

    After the introduction of withholding tax, this field is only relevant when resubmitting old transactions.

    Default value: 0

    Solidarity surcharge

    Solidarity surcharge already withheld, which is later taken into account in the tax calculation as a surcharge already paid.

    Default value: SolZ rate * capital gains tax

    If necessary, you can also enter or change this value manually.

    Tax liquidity

    This input field is only visible if a securities income is recorded for an accumulating fund, i.e. if the "Accumulating" checkbox above is activated.

    Enter the amount of tax liquidity for accumulating funds here.

    The amount of tax is saved in the global settings ("Settings" dialog box, "Depot" tab, "Tax rates" field). If you or all your clients have an exemption order that has not yet been used or has not yet been used in full, you can also set the taxes to 0% there. This then applies to all dividends to be entered in the future.

    Fund distribution and fund reinvestment

    The recognition of fund distributions in the Infront Portfolio Manager largely corresponds to the recognition of dividends described above.

    The Infront Portfolio Manager generally determines whether a fund is accumulating or distributing based on the fund master data supplied from the corresponding subscription. If you do not obtain this data, you can manually activate or deactivate the "Accumulation" checkbox on the second page of the "Securities income" dialog box.

  8. Finally, confirm the entries with the "Enter" button.
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