In addition to the pure price movements, you can also display fundamental and quantitative data in the chart window via the security profile.
Click on the icon "Show security profile" or select the command SECURITY PROFILE on the "Chart" tab.
The profile is displayed on the right-hand side of the chart window.
The security profile is hidden again by selecting the command SECURITY PROFILE on the "Chart" tab or selecting the icon again.
Edit securities profile
To edit the security note, select the command SECURITY NOTE on the "Chart" tab in the menu of the "Edit chart elements" icon. The "Edit securities profile" dialog box appears.
You can change the options by clicking on the fields or checkboxes. You can immediately see the result of your changes in the right-hand window.
Save all changes by clicking on "Apply".
Options in the "Edit securities profile" dialog box
Colors and font
Select the corresponding button.
The colors and fonts of the legend are defined in the following dialog boxes.
Choose between "Right" and "Left".
If you drag a selected close time series over the first entry in the profile, the high and low of the set time period are displayed in the profile.
Depending on the length of the securities profile, you can scroll up or down using the arrow keys.
To print out the security factsheet, select the FILE, PRINT command and activate the "Print security factsheet" checkbox on the "Charts" tab in the "Print chart" dialog box.
You can also change the order of the fields in the securities profile directly in the chart table using drag & drop.
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