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Update without program DVD

Re 1. Update the server

Thanks to its online connection, the server can download the service pack via the Internet. It is also able to update the database. The server must therefore be the first to be updated. Start the software update wizard via the command <Software aktualisieren> command in the Windows start menu. To do this, select "Infront Portfolio Manager - Update installation" on the second page of the wizard and later select "Internet" as the source. Then follow the wizard's instructions. During the server update, the service pack is stored in the <shared directory> so that the standard workstations can load the service pack from there and no further download from the Internet is required.

Re 2. Update the database

The database update must be carried out via the server that has already been updated. A corresponding wizard is available via the command <Datenbank-Update> command in the Windows Start menu. Start the wizard and follow the instructions.

Re 3. Update of all workstations

After updating the database, all other workstations must be updated so that they are functional again. The service pack does not need to be downloaded again via the Internet. During the first update (on the client with data update and maintenance), the service pack is stored in a central update directory(\Infront\Infront Portfolio Manager\6\shared\Updates). Here, the file vwdpm-de- can be copied and manually distributed to the other workstations and started there by double-clicking.

Then follow the instructions of the installation program.

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