Proceed as follows to draw trend lines in a chart:
Select the "Trend line" icon and draw the line in the chart while holding down the left mouse button. The "Drawing properties" dialog box opens.
Activate the "Trend line" checkbox if you want the trend line to continue to be drawn.
You can also "draw" the trend line very precisely by entering the data for the course of the trend line. You make the entries for positioning the trend line in the "Time", "Y value" and "Interest rate" areas.
If the fields in the lower area are not displayed, expand the dialog box by clicking on the arrow on the far left.
You can also assign your trend line to automatic trend line monitoring via this dialog box. This trend line monitoring must first be defined in the Explorer. Read the chapter on trend line monitoring.
Linear trend line
If you want the trend line to always remain linear, regardless of how the price trend is displayed, activate the "Linear" option.
Regression lines
Linear regression lines are calculated trend lines that are displayed exactly in the middle of the prices at the start and end times. Regression lines are always linear and are intended to show the trend for future price development on the basis of the prices achieved in the specified period.
The background to calculating a regression line can be found in the specialist literature.
To draw a regression line in the chart, first mark the price trend.
Select the "Regression line" icon.
Hold down the left mouse button and draw the line in the chart.
You can enter the exact start and end time in the "Character properties" dialog box. You can also see the percentage gradient of the line in the selected interval (annually, monthly or daily).
As the regression line is calculated, you must assign the regression line to a specific time series. You must therefore mark the relevant time series (the price trend) before drawing the line.
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