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Trading success

The "Trading success" evaluation provides you with an overview of the statistical characteristics of your trading activities. It is particularly important if you really "trade" securities, i.e. buy and sell several times in a relatively short period of time. You recognize the effects that lead to profits or, above all, losses.

Are your entry times correct or not? Are you taking on too much risk in relation to your profits? Does a large gain offset many small losses or does a large loss destroy many small gains? Key figures such as hit rate, average profits and profit factor provide detailed information on this.

The table on the "Assets" worksheet evaluates portfolios, securities accounts or owners. In the tabular presentation you will first find a list of all trades executed during the evaluation period.

You can find the "Trading success" evaluation on the "Transactions" worksheet, "Trading success" in the workspace of holders or portfolios.

The details of the individual columns can be found in the following table:




The traded security.

WP type

The type of security traded.

Here it makes sense to add a filter, e.g. by shares.


Depot reference of the trade.

Trade type

The trade type indicates long and short.

Number of openings

An entry is created for each position resolution in this list. There may be partial liquidations or liquidations of items resulting from several purchases. The number of openings is the number of purchases to build up the closed position. If there was more than one purchase, the entry price is averaged and the trade is treated as if it had existed from the last purchase.


The start date of the trade.


The end date of the trade.

Return [EUR]

The absolute profit of the trade in evaluation currency.

Return [%]

The percentage profit of the trade.

Max. Drawdown

Percentage indication of how far the trade has run into the loss zone in its course. This value can also be negative if the cost price is averaged.

Trotting length [weeks]

The holding period of the position in weeks.

Return [%] per week

The percentage profit of the trade per week.

Cost price

The cost price of the trade.


The WKN from the master data of the security.

Security no.

The Swiss security number from the master data of the security.

You will also find important statistical key figures in the footer of the "Trading success" table. Details can be found in the following table:



Number of trades

The number of trades in the evaluation period. In order to obtain statistically relevant statements, this number should be at least 50-100.

Number of trades per year

The number of trades by the length of the evaluation period.

Avg. Return

The average absolute result per trade.

Total return

The sum of all individual results of the trades.

Share of winning trades

The hit rate.
A certain balance would be desirable here, i.e. values above 50%. Poor hit rates indicate deficits in the entry strategy.

Maximum profit

The largest single profit of a trade.

Maximum loss

The largest single loss of a trade. Significantly higher loss values than profit values indicate possible money management errors.

Avg. Return for winning trades

The average result of winning trades.

Avg. Return for losing trades

The average result of losing trades.

Avg. Profit-loss ratio

The relation of Avg. Return for winning trades / Avg. Return for losing trades. A value of 2 should be achieved here as a benchmark.

Profit factor

Ratio of the sum of profit returns to the sum of loss returns. The profit factor should also have a value of at least 2. Good traders reach values of 4. The profit factor is the product of the win-loss ratio and the hit rate.

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