Parameters of the "Trading success" evaluation
For general information on setting the parameters, please refer to the chapter Parameters of the securities account evaluations.
The "Trading success" table has the following parameters:
Parameters | Description |
Start date | These two parameters define the evaluation period of the table. The default setting is the last two years. The default setting for the evaluation date is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab. |
Evaluation date | Enter the desired evaluation date here. The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab.
If no current prices are available for the specified date, the Infront Portfolio Manager searches for the last current price in the database (default), or sets "n/a" if no prices are available for the last 8 days.
To change this setting, select the desired configuration in the global settings in the "Settings" dialog box on the "Depot" tab in the "Asset valuation" field. |
Consider expenses | If activated, the fees are offset when the trades are valued. |
Currency | Evaluation currency of the Trading success table. All absolute amounts are reported in this currency. |