Keyboard shortcuts in the formula editor
There are keyboard shortcuts for the most important functions in the formula editor:
Shortcut | Command |
<ESC> | 1. Closes the current formula editor window without saving changes. Other formula editor windows in the background remain open. 2. Closes an open direct aid. |
<STRG>+<W> | Saves the current status of the formula without closing the formula editor. |
<STRG>+<S> | Saves the entered formula and closes the formula editor. |
<F1> | Opens the direct help for functions/keywords. |
<F2> | Opens the help for the function under the cursor in the Help Center. |
<F4> | Displays the result object type of the formula on which the cursor is currently positioned in a small window. |
<STRG>+<X> | Cut selected text. |
<STRG>+<C> | Copy selected text. |
<STRG>+<V> | Paste text from the clipboard. |
<STRG>+<K> | Copy a selected formula. |
<STRG>+<P> | Paste a formula from the clipboard. |
<STRG>+<I> | Opens the function wizard. More on this in the chapter The function assistant. |
<STRG>+<E> | Opens the macro located under the cursor. |
<STRG>+<Y> | Deletes the line in which the cursor is located. |
<STRG>+<Z> | Undoes the last action. |
<STRG>+<ALT>+<Z> | Restores the last undone action. |
<STRG>+<F> | Search. Opens the "Search text" dialog box. |
<F3> | Continue searching. Continues the search if it has stopped on a hit. |
<STRG>+<R> | Replace. Opens the "Replace text" dialog box. |
<STRG>+<B> | Comment in/out. |
<STRG>+<D> | Comment in/out line. |
<STRG>+<T> | Typing overview. |
<STRG>+<ALT>+<F> | Auto-formatting of the formula in the formula editor. |
<STRG>+<G> | Go to line. After entering a line number in the dialog box that appears and confirming, the cursor in the formula editor jumps to the beginning of the corresponding line. |
<SWITCH>+<STRG>+<ALT>+<V> | Insert and replace word. |
<SWITCH>+<OLD>+<RIGHT> | Next occurrence. |
<SWITCH>+<OLD>+<LEFT> | Previous occurrence. |
<SWITCH>+<STRG>+<ALT>+<D> | Duplicate rows. |
<STRG>+<ALT>+<R> | Insert string symbol. |
<STRG>+<Q> | Formatting note Suppress indentation. |
<STRG>+<SWITCH>+<9> | Insert closing bracket. (This key combination inserts the closing bracket at the current position of the cursor) |