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Save tables

You can save each individually edited table as a template. You can open templates created in this way in the same way as the original templates in Infront Portfolio Manager. Read the section Opening tables.

  • To save changes in the currently open template, select the FILE, SAVE command, the "Save" icon in the quick access toolbar or the key combination <CTRL>+<S>. This overwrites the original template.
    Edited templates are always saved in the category to which the original template was assigned.
  • To save an edited table under a new name, select the FILE, SAVE AS command or the "Save as" icon in the quick access toolbar. The "Save template as" dialog box appears, in which you can assign a name and a category for the modified table template. The original template is retained.

If you have inadvertently overwritten an original template, you can reset it using the RESTORE ORIGINAL TEMPLATE command in the menu of the "Template" icon on the "Configuration" tab. The "Restore original templates" dialog box appears, in which you can select the desired template. Then select the "Restore" button.

When restoring, the settings of the new template are lost unless you have previously saved them as your own template (using the SAVE AS command).

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